ConeXión Kooltura - Blog

El Bienestar


El Bienestar

By Rosanna Alvarez

Throughout the last year, we've had our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health tried and tested in relentless waves amidst chronic chaos. Our communities continue to be hit the hardest by the pandemic. We’ve lost several loved ones who were pillars in our communities. We’ve experienced the traumas of several injustices, including surges in racism, police brutality, anti-immigrant sentiment, emboldened white supremacy, political uncertainty, and constant threats on our democracy.

Many of us have struggled as we painfully maintain our distance from families, choosing not to gather in a time when we crave connection the most -all to curb the spread of COVID-19. We’re exhausted, and sometimes our words aren’t enough.

Still, the stories that have emerged from Eastside Magazine throughout the pandemic remind us of how much our words can capture by way of our actions, hearts, and care. We've nurtured and sustained ourselves in amazing ways as we've attempted to survive so much life-altering heart-break. The stories have given us a glimpse into how we continue to show up for each other. We've organized, we've celebrated, we've grieved, and we've anchored ourselves in hope through art, culture, and community.

[ full read on current ISSUE 2021.Ce ]