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Benefits of Nonprofit Marketing


The Benefits of Nonprofit Marketing

  • Effectively promote the message or mission of the organization

  • Attract and maintain support

  • Be in constant communication with donors and the community

  • Build trust with the surrounding communities

  • Build brand awareness and credibility with funders and foundations

  • Engage and convince donors to donate their hard earned money to their cause

  • Generate awareness/exposure about their cause

  • Sell their cause

Without a clear marketing strategy, it is highly unlikely that a nonprofit will reach its maximum potential as an organization.

The Kooltura Approach 

At Kooltura Marketing, we have over 10 years of experience working with various nonprofit organizations within the Bay Area including, the School of Arts and CultureLos Lupeños de San José and Celebrate Mayfair. As a result, we understand nonprofits often run on a limited budget.

Marketing budgets are usually the first to get cut when finances are tight. However, Prosper Strategies points out that’s a huge mistake. Marketing, communications and fundraising play a critical role in organizational growth, sustainability and mission achievement, and cutting their budgets at the wrong can time can make a tough financial situation even more precarious. 

Nonprofit marketing is a crucial component for any organization. While many nonprofits might not have enough funds to cover an internal marketing team, as an external marketing agency, we are the most cost-effective way to help you fulfill your goals. 

Kooltura Marketing offers affordable solutions for nonprofits. Instead of having to hire a full-time designer or marketer, we are available on a per-project basis. Our hours are flexible based on your project needs. We can help you form the backbone for growing and promoting your organization through a variety of channels. 

Services we Offer: 

  • Branding/Logo Design

  • Marketing Consulting

  • Social Media Management

  • Event Marketing